以美國最大的公捐臍血庫--紐約捐血中心為例,其使用第一台通過美國FDA審核,專為臍帶血儲存而設計的BioArchive System「全自動液態氮儲存槽」以提供所需時的移植使用。
一台BioArchive System 可有效管理3000多個臍血袋,每一臍血袋在密閉儲存槽中經由電腦控制完成溫度緩降過程後,由自動存取裝置放入預先設定之儲存位置作永久保存,並完整記錄每一臍帶血樣本的真實冷凍狀況。存取過程完全獨立作業,有效保障血液儲存品質,並減少臍帶血受到短暫熱效應(TWE)的影響,以維持細胞最佳活性。
根據提供BioArchive System的領導公司--Thermogenesis Corp統計,全球已有200台BioArchive System被33個國家,100間臍帶血庫所指定使用,其中包括全球最多移植案例的美國紐約捐血中心及東京大學醫學中心。換句話說,全球75%以上的移植手術使用BioArchive System儲存的臍帶血,目的就是要確保幹細胞活性在解凍後能達移植水平。
台灣的臍帶血庫也紛紛採用BioArchive System作為臍帶血幹細胞的最佳儲存設備,Thermogenesis Corp目前在官方網站公佈台灣臍帶血銀行使用BioArchive System趨勢,提供給醫師移植使用的參考。
Stem Cell Technology Expertise
Stem Cell Technology Expertise
With over 20 years as a world leader in the processing, preparation, and preservation of cord blood and stem cells, with ThermoGenesis you’ll benefit from proven, industry-leading technological platforms, efficient processes, and unparalleled dependability. Additionally, we’re able to provide meaningful insights into the unique challenges — and promises — of this complex field you’ll find nowhere else.
We’re also well-positioned to keep you on the leading edge of innovation. Through active research and development, industry collaborations, and engineering breakthroughs, our uniquely effective products will continue to enable tomorrow’s scientific and clinical advancements.
We’re also well-positioned to keep you on the leading edge of innovation. Through active research and development, industry collaborations, and engineering breakthroughs, our uniquely effective products will continue to enable tomorrow’s scientific and clinical advancements.
The BioArchive System is designed to store over 3,600 stem cell samples. It is the only fullyautomated, commercially available system that integrates controlled-rate freezing, sample management and long term cryogenic storage in liquid nitrogen. The robotic storage and retrieval of these stem cell units improves cell viability, provides precise inventory management and minimizes the possibility of human error.
Fenwal, Inc. | China, India and Japan | |
BioArchive System | CEI | 5 countries in Latin America |
Additional Distribution Network | 10 Distributors covering over 30 countries | |
ThermoGenesis | All other countries including U.S., Canada and Australia |