
美國芝加哥西北大學與西北紀念醫院的研究團隊,日前發表慢性心絞痛的第二期臨床試驗結果: 利用病患自身的CD34+造血幹細胞,注入心臟受損的部位,於六個月後可有效減緩心絞痛的心肌壞死程度,並持續增強病患的運動能力,減緩胸悶程度。這項發現已刊登在"美國心臟協會"的線上期刊。



Cardiac injections of hematopoietic stem cells can help relieve refractory chest pain, a large phase II study determined

A relatively low dose of patients' own CD34-positive stem cells reduced weekly angina episodes to 6.8, compared with 10.9 among placebo-treated patients at six months (P=0.020), Douglas W. Losordo, MD, of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Northwestern University in Chicago, and colleagues found.

Those benefits persisted out to one year, along with a substantial boost in exercise capability, they reported online in Circulation Research: Journal of the American Heart Association.

The study is the first randomized U.S. trial of stem cells for chronic angina, as research has focused more on the acute heart attack setting.

But the CD34-positive cells used in the study are routinely used during treatment of certain types of cancer, where they are known as hematopoietic stem cells. These cells boost both bone marrow function and blood vessel formation, which presumably cuts down on the cardiac ischemia that causes angina.

Stem cell therapies for the heart remain experimental except in South Korea, which last week became the first in the world to approve clinical use in acute myocardial infarction.

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